THE POSSESSED (Coming soon)
THE POSSESSED (Spooked Television Releasing). Produced and Directed by The Booth Brothers. A shocking NEW documentary from "epic reality" filmmakers the Booth Brothers (Spooked, Children of the Grave (as seen on Sci Fi Channel). " The Possessed " is a paranormal investigation into the twisted world of possession. Cases include the chilling true story, ' The Watseka Wonder ' (1877), America's first documented spiritual possession of a 13-year-old girl from the small town of Watseka who became possessed by spirits of the insane dead. Paranormal cast; Keith Age, John Zaffis, Rick Hayes, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Paranormal Task Force, Bishop James Long, Denice & Michael Jones, Steven LaChance, Bill Chappell, Troy Taylor, Anita Tallbull, I.S.P.I., L.G.H.S. & the Booth Brothers.