
SPOOKED TV NEWS: Top Movie Marathons The SyFy Channel! The Booth Brothers premiere double feature 'The Possessed' and 'Children of the Grave' will air


For Immediate Release. [THE POSSESSED, SyFy Television Premiere October 8th 9/8c.]

For Immediate Release. [THE POSSESSED, SyFy Television Premiere October 8th 9/8c.]

"She was born October 8, 1846, She died July 5, 1865, She will return October 8, 2009, Happy Birthday Mary Roff"!

Spooked Television and SyFy Channel/NBC Universal is proud to announce the television premiere of 'The Possessed'. This new spooky paranormal documentary by the Booth Brothers (Spooked, Children of the Grave) will premiere on the SyFy channel the same day as the birthday of the film's true life character, Mary Roff, October 8th, 9/8c. Neither the network or the filmmakers coincided these dates. Syfy's air date for 'The Possessed' falling on the same day as Mary's birthday was strictly coincidental, or was it? How spooky is that!

"The Possessed" SyFy Television Premiere, October 8th 9/8c 31 Days Of Halloween Special Event 120 minutes, paranormal documentary. www.syfy.com

'The Possessed' is a paranormal expedition into the haunted world of possession. True events include the chilling story,'The Watseka Wonder'(1877), America's first documented possession of a 13 yr old girl by spirits of the insane dead!

Produced and Directed by the Booth Brothers. Distributed by Spooked Television Releasing and SyFy Channel/NBC Universal. Cast includes; Keith Age, Rick Hayes, Steven La Chance, Denice and Michael Jones, Troy Taylor, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Juli Velazquez, James Long and John Zaffis.

RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/SpookedTvNews

OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.thepossessedmovie.com
TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aub9o_sBIFc&feature=PlayList&p=DDF7AAE4D7DE021A&index=0&playnext=1
MYSPACE: http://www.myspace.com/thepossessedmovie
IMDB: http://www.pro.imdb.com/title/tt1067777

Download THE POSSESSED HD/TV spot at http://www.spookedproductions.com/tpsyfy.mov


The Possessed SyFy Television Premiere October 8th 9/8c TV Spot

She was born October 8, 1846, She died July 5, 1865, She will return October 8, 2009. The television premiere of 'The Possessed' will air on the SyFy Channel, the same day as her birthday, October 8th, 9/8c. How spooky Is that? Happy Birthday Mary Roff! "The Possessed" a new shocking documentary from the Booth Brothers (Spooked, Children of the Grave (SyFy). The Possessed is a paranormal expedition into the haunted world of possession. True events include the chilling story,'The Watseka Wonder'(1877), America's first documented possession of a 13 yr old girl by spirits of the insane dead! www.thepossessedmovie.com